Here is what you are up to:
~You are 29.8 lbs
~You are 34.6 inches tall (holy cow, you grew over 2 inches since your 12 month appointment)
~You wear size 4 diapers and size 24month/2T or some 3T clothes!
~You are sleeping through the night for the most part. Every now and then you wake up, but you usually go back to sleep on your own. Your bed time is 8:00pm and you usually get up between 5:30am-6:30 (or 7:00 if I am lucky)
~You are still taking two naps a day
~You don't sit still EVER!! I am SO glad you are so healthy and active, but goodness you are a crazy boy!!!
~You love to be outside and able to run free! We went to Colorado this summer ( I will write a whole different post about that soon) and you had a blast. So much playing and running around!!
~You are generally a good eater. You are a texture person, so usually if you don't like something its because of the texture. You always feed your food to Bear. It never fails.
~You are starting to really communicate with us now. We have taught you a few signs and you use them like crazy. You say and sign "more" and "eat" all day long! I love that you are telling us what you are wanting though! You sign for: sleep, ball, please and thank you(only sometimes, we are working on those).
~ You babble so much! You sound like you are telling stories all of the time. I wish I could translate the things you are trying to say. It makes your daddy and me laugh because you say it like it is the most important information ever!
~You say quit a few words, but only use them every now and then!
~ You have a little temper and are throwing some lovely fits every now and then!
~You LOVE your daddy!
~You are SO ticklish. Your laugh while getting tickled is THE. BEST. THING. EVER!!!
~You love getting chased and run everywhere. You rarely walk anywhere. Running is your choice of transportation!
~Bear is your best buddy. He takes a lot of pulling and grabbing most days!
~You are so funny when I vacuum. You run around the house screaming and making this really funny noise {I tried to type our what the noise sounds like, but it just didn't look right}. It cracks me up!
~You look like you are about 2 years old! Please stop growing up SO fast!!!
My little buddy. I can't believe 16 months has approached us! You are beyond a blessing to me and I can't imagine my life without you. Your love and innocence for life is so contagious and I find myself wanting to bottle that up and never let you grow up! You are growing up and as sad as that makes me, I am loving watching and learning new things about you everyday. You have made me such a better person and I couldn't thank you enough for that!
I love you SO much sweet boy!