Oh where oh where have I been? Nowhere actually...Just havn't really had anything to blog about lately!!
Well tomorrow is my big 24th Birthday.... How is it that every year I still feel like the "young" one. Last year, I said " next year when I turn 24, ill feel older...24 sounds so much older" But now that it is here....it still sounds so young...okay okay I know what you are thinking ( I like how I am writing like 1000's of people read this thing) I should appreciate feeling and being ONLY 24..but here is where I am coming from... I am at the stage in life where I want to be taken more serious. People always say, " I would guess you are about 19 or 20" WHAT seriously??? I have been out of High School now going on 6 years, so how is it I still look the age of a just recent high school graudate? Anywhoo... back to where I was coming from.... I am going to be starting my career in less than a year, plan on having a family in the next couple of years. I don't want to be that person that people look at like " she's too young for this".
The real problem is, I don't feel young. Physically I feel like I am 50. I am always tierd, I ache from the moment I get up in the morning, to when I go to bed at Night. I have zero, zilch, nada energy anymore, and I am so out of shape I can hardly walk without being out of breath ( okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little).
My point of this post is..... Tomorrow starts a whole new year of my life... I am ready for a year of battling my demons ( no, I'm not depressed) I am ready to take life on... There are so many changes that I plan on making...so here's to you Year 24...make it a good one!!!! {Please}
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