I know I have only done one "girlfriends" post and I promise I will continue, but I had a few things on my mind tonight that I wanted to get "written" down.
~Whoever said breastfeeding helps you lose weight is a BIG FAT LIAR!!! I am now almost 4 months PP and I do not feel that breastfeeding has helped me lose weight! I know that I am no Jillian Michaels here and work out like I should, BUT...I have been watching what I am eating (at least trying) and doing as much walking/moving around as posible when it is 115 degrees out! I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place..(is that the saying? Or did I just make that up?) I want to work out...but they say to be careful and not work out too hard because your body produces lactid acid that can be released into your breastmilk and it is not good for your baby! Okay, I know that I dont need to hard core work out, but in my mind all I can think about is, "Am I working out to hard? Am I sweating too much? Am I dehydrating myself?" All the things you "can't" do while breastfeeding! Ugh!! I just want a waistline that doesnt consist of "love handles" and a nice handful of "extra fat" in the front!! I think that if you did lose weight "from" breastfeeding, you would have lost that weight that quick anyways!! Okay....my tantrum is over!
~ My precious Luke rolled over today!! He went from his back to his belly twice! It's still a struggle since he is such a big boy, but any time I lay him on the floor to play he is trying to roll! We just need to work on his arm strength, he just doesnt want to push up on those hands!
~I go back to work on Monday and I am really struggling with this thought. I know it is what is best and needed for our family right now, but my heart aches already to be with my boy!
~We are going to start on some rice cereal this weekend, stay tuned to see how that goes!
~Nick changed his shift and is working crazy hours so he can stay home with Luke while I am at work. We miss him and hope that he can start med school sooner than later so he can be doing what he truly wants to be doing!! We love and appreciate him so much!!
~I bought the Zumba workout videos and they finally came in the mail...(shoot, if my hubby is reading this.....yes, those darn infomercials get me every time....but thats what happens when I am up at 2:00am feeding little man) I plan on starting those soon!
~I just starting reading, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and am hoping this will help me, help Luke sleep better. It is 9:40pm and I am currently listening to my boy trying to put himself to sleep....it's tough! I also just transfered him to his crib in his room. I am hoping this will help both of us to start sleeping better!
~My house is a MESS! I know I never have that perfectly clean house, but you should see my living room! I am tempted to take a picture and post it, just so I can get the guilt of letting it get that messy! You would never guess there is a baby living in this house ;)....but I won't put you through that! I guess I need to add "clean living room" on to my list that consists of...clean the kitchen, clean the guest bathroom, clean the office, vacuum Luke's room and clean our bedroom...ohh wait i just named my entire house! Uff Da....I need a maid!
~I just finished reading, "Heaven Is For Real" and LOVED it!!! If you have not read it yet, do yourself a favor and read it! You will feel restored in the promises God has for his children! I cried through almost the entire book, but it was so good, and I loved that it was all through the innocence of a child!
~I am trying to read a book my sister gave me called, "Living above Worry and Stress". it will be good for me to read it. If you know me at all, I worry and stress about EVERYTHING!! I would say this is my biggest fault. I NEED to get it under control
~I went to Costco today and spent $162.35 and have no idea what I got. I hate when that happens! I have currently walked to the kitchen 3 times since starting this post to get a snack and have returned empty handed each time. (Actually this may be a good thing, at least for my hips)
~ Okay, maybe this only happens to me and it did today, when I went to costco) but when I don't have Luke with me, and I go places, once I am inside where ever I am, I will all of a sudden have a small panick attack that I left him in the car on accident. It happens almost every time he is not with me!! I guess I have this fear that I will accidently leave him in the car, which will NEVER happen, but I still have these small attacks! Has this ever happened to you?
~Have you watched Extremem couponing? Oh boy I wish I was that good! Although I have better things to do than sit and cut coupons out and actually go to the store to buy all that stuff!! I am all for coupons, but I guess that is why they call it, "Extreme couponing."
~I havent't washed my hair in 3 days.....sick
And that is all.......
Goodnight my friends!
Realllly trying hard + Sales!
8 hours ago
I want to read Heaven is for Real. You look beatiful in your blog header picture. I would say don't worry so much about the baby weight. It will come off soon : ) You are beautiful and you are being the best parent you can be to your baby! That is so much more important than anything else : ) Good luck! Love, Becky