9 Months old on Dec. 17, 2011 |
You are always crawling towards the camera so I get the top of your head a lot! |
Or I get your behind....you were LOVING all of the Christmas presents. All you wanted to do was climb on them :) |
My little man...you are 9 months old (on Dec. 17) I can't even believe it! We are having SO much fun with you! I am so shocked at how much you have grown...it's hard to believe that only 9 months ago you were this little baby that was so dependent on me and daddy and now you are becoming more independent, crawling everywhere, pulling yourself up, standing for a little while by yourself, and eating new foods! I think this month has really made me take a step back and think, wow my baby is turning into a little toddler before my very
Here is what you are up to my love:
~You are 24.3 lbs and 31 inches long! You are in the 92% for weight and 99% for height!
~When people see you they always think you are older than you are. You are SO tall and solid!
~You are wearing mostly 12-18 months clothes! When it comes to pants, for the length you need 18 months.
~You are on your last box of size 3 diapers and then we are on to size 4!
~Your hair is still a dark blondish brown
~Your eyes are dark...but still not completely brown!
~You are talking up a storm. Your babbles are my favorite things to hear. It is SO cute and you do it the most right before you fall asleep...so precious.
~You are eating all sorts of foods now! You are eating most baby foods as well as some table foods. You love mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, spaghetti, some meats, and all sorts of other soft foods!
~You have 6 teeth! Holy moly! Your two bottom teeth have been in since you were 4 months, and then within the last month your top 4 teeth have popped through. Your top center teeth and your "eye" teeth or the "sharp" ones as I say. I am amazed at how fast they are popping through. You poor guy, you have had some rough days and nights because of this!
~You still look just like your daddy :)
~You crawl everywhere! You are so fast, one minute you are in one room and before we know it you are in the next (supervised, of course)! You also pull yourself up on everything. If you are able to grab onto something and pull yourself up, you will! You also stand by yourself for a short while. You usually realize what you are doing and get really excited, clap or wave your hands all over and then fall to the ground! You are too funny!
~You are taking at least two naps a day. Usually one around 9 or 10ish and then again in the afternoon. You are still a little unpredictable when it comes to sleeping. That goes for sleeping at night as well. For the most part I would say you are sleeping through the night, but every now and then you have an off night and are up a couple of times. You go to bed between 7:30 and 8:30pm.
~You wake up around 5:00 or 5:30 and then usually snuggle with me in bed until 6:30 or 7:00am(only on weekends or when I am on breaks from school). I LOVE our snuggle time!
~You say "mama" and 'dadda" It's pretty much the cutest thing ever! The only bad thing is that you have learned to throw in a mama or dada when you are crying in your crib. It's a killer. You make it really hard to let you cry it out when you hear those sweet words! That's about all you say, but like I said before, you babble all day, but we are working on other words and a little sign language.
~You don't love to be held too much. Now that you can crawl and are so mobile, you love to be on the ground exploring. It makes me a little sad that you don't want me as much anymore. Oh well, I knew it was in due time!
~You are starting this new thing when people hold you, you start hitting them. It's playful, but I have NO idea where this came from. I have to blame it on you just being a boy, because I have no idea where you would have learned that from. You got a hammer toy and you instantly know to hit things with it! I am in for it, if you are starting this early.... I have to get used to this boy, crazy, rough stuff :)
~You are a little dare devil. You make me nervous my boy! You love to look out the back door, but you just pull yourself up by sliding your hands up the window....sometimes you slip and you bonk your head. It is just the phase we are on, we have falls, tears and then you are ready to go again! Somehow you always want to stand or play where you shouldn't. I swear babies have instincts of where they should not be!
~You went through a couple of days where you all of a sudden hated the bath. You would just cry and try to crawl out of the tub, but now you are back to loving bath time!!
~As of lately you are such a daddy's boy!! You LOVE your daddy. The minute you see him your eyes light up and you smile.
~You are starting to wave. Its cute, you get both hands going and you do if for a while!
Well my babe, you are truly my very best friend, and we love you more than you could ever imagine! Thank you for being such a joy!! I can't wait to see what the next month holds for you!!
P.S. Your 9 months pictures above were impossible to take...you are such a mover and climber, I couldn't get you sit still for a second!
Love that grin :) |
Visiting Grammy Tammy....he babbled on and on while he was sitting there..I think he was talking to her :) |
Look at all those teeth! |
Such a goof :) |
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