Saturday, January 28, 2012

10 months


You are 10 months old, my sweet boy! Wow has the time flown! You have changed so much lately and are SO much fun!

You started your 10th month of life on a very sad, scary note! Ever since Christmas you had not felt very well. It stated with a runny nose that turned into a cold, that turned into ear infections. We took you to the doctor multiple times because your ears were not getting better. Finally last Friday (Jan. 13th) you woke up in the middle of the night with a really high fever and you were breathing really heavy. We decided early Saturday morning to take you to the hospital. There was no wait, thank goodness and they took all of your stats right away. You had an almost 103 degree temperature and your oxygen levels were on the 80's....not good. They ended up taking an x-ray of your lungs and concluded that you had pnemoniua in your left lung :( at that point they said that they needed to admit you into the hospital, but they did not have a pediatric unit at the hospital we were at, so they had to tansfer us to another an ambulance. Talk about scary. The worst parts were trying to get IV's in you. They had to do it twice and each time it ended up coming out. When we got to the other hospital, the doctor there said that you did not have pnemonia (thank God) but because your stats were bad when we first got to the hospital she wanted you to stay over night to monitor you. So we stayed that night, but you kept your fevers up. Almost every 5 hours your fever would spike into the 101's. Later we then found out that some of your blood work came back showing a with that we had to stay another night so that they could draw more blood and check it we had to stay another night....long story short your blood work all came back normal (again, praise God) but your fever was still there. They then decided to give you inner muscular antiniotics.  those finally worked. After day 2 and 1/2 we went home....Yay!! You were so sick and it was nice to be home in the comfort of our own home.

The doctors concluded that you just got a really bad virus and your body was fighting really hard. I am so thankful you were okay!! You had great doctors and nurses helping you out!!

Anyways....on to the fun stuff...what you are up to:

~You are about 25.5 lbs and 31 inches long!
~You are wearing a size 4 diaper
~Your hair is coming in a lot lighter, although pictures make it look darker than it is.
~You are eating a lot more foods and don't really love baby food any more. You love shredded chesse, yogurt, noodles, waffles and anything really that we are eating :)
~You still drink a bottle every 2-3 hours.
~You love the gummy bear video on Youtube. You would watch it all day, every day if we let you. You always watch it on the Ipad, so every time you see it you think it is for you to watch your video. Sadly, when we don't turn it on you throw a fit.....stinker..the fits are starting. You throw your head back and lay on the floor and cry. DRAMATIC....
~You play on the floor really well and love all of your toys. You are so fun to watch play. For the most part you are good at playing and entrtaining yourself, but once you get bored, you will cry until we pick you up...again, so dramatic. ( not that we don't play with you, but it is good for you to be self entertaining sometimes)
~You like to make growling noises. You do it alot and usually while you are saying "mama". I have no idea where this growling came from, and why my name is what you say while doing it. It's too funny!
~You hum yourself to sleep. ADORABLE!!!
~You love your walk all around the living room! Even when you run into things you just back up and move around it. It is really cute!
~You are wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing
~ You are WALKING!!! it is so cute! You look like a little zombie, but you are so good at it! You walk all over the living room, from one side to the other. I am so proud of you babe!
~With the above said.....I feel like you are turing into a toddler before my very eyes. My little baby boy is growing up...tear!

 My love, dad and I couldn't be more proud to be your parents. You are such a joy and are SO much fun!! I can't wait to see what the next month will bring :)

You have finally figured out the stickers and try to pull it off before I can get a picture :) Stinker!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

So behind and random thoughts

Again, I have not blogged in so long!! So much has been going on. I have written Luke's 10 month post, but have yet to add pictures to it. I could never publish a post without pictures of my little man :)

~We have been busy trying to get little man healthy....we spent 2 and 1/2 days in the hospital. I explained what happened in his 10 month post....not so fun and very scary. He is doing SO much better though!

~I just started Weight Watchers online. I was always interested in it, but never wanted to pay for something that I should be able to control myself ( ha, that's a joke :) ) but my husband's work had a promotion for one year free of WW online. So here I am going on week 2. I actually really like it. I get to eat the same things, but I just have to track everything. It really helps me decide if what I am about to eat is really worth the points. I start with a certain amount of points each day, and then when I run out there are weekly points that I can use. It really is a good way for me to keep myself accountable. It also helps that I am down a few pounds also :) I am thinking that it is going to help me reach my weight loss goals!

~I love watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, but this season of The Bachelor is really bugging me! I didn't know if I really liked Ben at first, but as the shows go on I think he is a great guy, but the ladies on this season are crazy! I have yet to watch last nights episode, but I have heard it is crazy. I hate that women can be so  mean and spiteful. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for watching a "reality" show. It is definitely one of my guilty pleasures :).

~My husband is a saint. I came home from work yesterday feeling SO sick. I didn't know how I was going to handle being with Luke all night feeling the way I was. So my sweet husband took work off and stayed to be with little man while I slept. I woke up feeling a little better today, thank goodness! Nick, if you are reading this....Thank you thank you. I appreciate you more than you know!

Well that's all the randoms I can think of for one day.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Steps

My baby, you are growing up so fast! Tonight you took your very first steps! You started with just a few steps and then would sit down, but you worked your way up to about 5 steps before you would sit down! Daddy and I could hardly believe it! I am so glad we were both home to see it! Crawling is still your fastest mode of transportation, but I have a feeling that you will be fully walking soon!

I tried to get it on video but of course you stopped doing it once I was recording you! I will keep trying :)

We love you so very much!!

Mama and daddy

First (really random) post of 2012

I thought I was going to be better at blogging in 2012, until I realized that I have not even written a post in 2012  yet! So bad!

I feel like a lot has been going on, but then when I try to write, I usually realize that nothing too exciting has happened. But for the sake of the blog and that somebday my children will (maybe) read this, I need to be better documenting things.

What we have been up to:

~Luke has been sick for the past 2 weeks. Poor boy. Right before Christmas he started getting a runny nose, that lasted about a week and then he started getting a fever :( at that point I took him to the doctor and he had an ear infection in both ears. He was on an antibiotic for about 3 days and he wasn't getting any better, so I took him back to the doctor and his ears were still pretty bad. At this point our doctor put him on a new medicine. He has now been on that for 5 days. I think he is feeling better, but he is still very clingy and wants to be held a lot. This is his real first sickness and I feel so sad for him. I just want to take it all away! I think he is on the mend and will be back to himself soon!

~Work has been keeping me busy!!! These first graders drain me! I am thankful for my job and try to enjoy my days with those kiddos!

~ Nick is as busy as ever! He is with Luke during the day and then works nights.......I appreciate him more than he knows!!

~I have been a little blah also..... I need to feel better asap!

~ I have a lot of goals for 2012 and look forward to what they will bring!

~I just bought new tires for my bugaboo stroller, but have NO idea how to put them on! I keep telling myself that Luke and I will go on walks when I get home from work, but have yet to put the new tires on. Not that I don't have another stroller to use......So really I have no excuse!

~ I am such an, " I'll do it tomorrow" type of gal and I REALLY need to break that habit. It is not good, in so many aspects of life! Anybody else like that?

I think this is random enough for one sitting!

Tomorrow is Friday!! yeah! Then a 3 day weekend! Yes, Please!